b'01 01CO-CHAIR MESSAGE OUR BOARDNick ThomasDEPUTY CHAIR Anne SattlerSECRETARY Brendan ThomasDIRECTORNick has held executive positions in bothAnne owns and operates Anne SattlerBrendan is a proud Dharug man with the commercial and NFP sectors. HeProfessional Services and Consulting,20 years experience in the Property spent much of his professional careera small business that assists Aboriginalindustry. driving the growth and success of a largeorganisations with grant applications andBrendan has held Senior Leadership international travel organisation, basedreport writing. positions in some of Australias largest and overseas for 20 years.With over 20 years as a Commonwealthmost iconic companies and developed He followed this with other projects inPublic Servant in Aboriginal affairsa strong understanding of Risk and travel and tourism before becoming CEOand experience with the Forster LocalGovernance frameworks. Brendan has of an Aboriginal development organisationAboriginal Land Council, she offersbeen on the CBAs Indigenous Advisory in the Kimberley region of WA. Sincedeep knowledge in Aboriginal affairs,Panel and RAP Advisory team, where he retiring from full-time employment ingovernment policy, and communitymentored many of his First Nations Brothers 2015, he has engaged in consultancydevelopment. She holds a Diploma ofand Sisters, supporting their career and work and currently serves as chair onEducation (Primary Teaching) and anpersonal growth. Brendans passions two other NFP boards. Nick bringsAdvanced Certificate in Communityculminated in him founding NGNU, which business development and managementManagement.is a project management and consulting experience to Community Resources,business that focuses on creating pathways together with strong financial acumen andfor Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance skills. He holds a Bachelor ofpeople to enter the property industry in Science (Honours), a Masters of Businessa culturally safe and supportive space. Administration and is a graduate of theBrendan holds a Masters of Business Australian Institute of Company Directors. Administration in Technology, Bachelor of Nick joined the Board in Dec 2021.Civil Engineering (Honours), a Diploma in Frontline Business Management and sits on the Property Council of Australias Division Council. Brendan joined the Board in Oct 2022. Toby Terlet DIRECTORToby is the CEO of the Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority Danny ConlonDIRECTOR (NAWMA) and brings over 25 years of experience in international waste, Danny has extensive Board andenergy, and water management.Executive-level experience in waste,Dedicated to sharing his expertise and recycling, and water management. Heimproving our natural environmentour boardpreviously led Veolias ANZ operationsfor future generations, Toby has as CEO and MD, before establishingheld significant roles on numerous his successful advisory business,environmental industry Boards. He Conlon Executive Advisory (CEA). currently serves as Director at the Waste Through CEA, Danny supportsManagement and Resource Recovery businesses, investors, and governmentAssociation of Australia (WMRR), the in navigating the ever-changingnational peak body for waste and environmental landscape and achievingresource recovery.strategic goals. He currently serves onToby is passionate about identifying the Advisory Board at Ecoboxtec, isnew opportunities and has been actively Chairman of Halgan Pty Ltd, and is ainvolved in large-scale developments Non Executive Director of De.mem Ltd. in the renewable sector, such as Waste He is a passionate advocate forto Energy. He previously led Veolias Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderWest Midlands, Birmingham operation recognition and reconciliation and isin the UK, and his work here earned committed to a number of initiativeshim the Best in Class Birmingham Social that support positive outcomes forResponsibility Charter Award. With an Indigenous Australians. With severalEnvironmental Management DegreePAGE 05Leadership Programs under his belt,and a Master of Business Administration Dannys strength lies in building(MBA), Toby brings a unique blend of cohesion and improving performancevision and contemporary management during periods of organisational change. practices to Community Resources. Danny joined the Board in March 2024.Toby joined the Board in March 2024.'