b'01CO-CHAIR MESSAGE02HOMEBASEHOMEBASEHomebase Youth Services is dedicatedJoey shares. In one resilience program, a student to empowering young people on thewho had no self-esteem and wasnt active found a NSW Mid North Coast through casenew passion for paddle boarding. Her parents even management, targeted programs,bought her a board for Christmas, and now its her outreach, advocacy and training.favourite thing to do. These services dont just strengthenThese small changes ripple out, leading to biggerhomecboamsem yuonuitthysseerrvviicceessindividuals; they help weave a strongresultsbetter school attendance, stronger social fabric where all members feelfriendships and a more positive family life. In our valued and supported. last resilience program, students school attendance rose from 20% to 80%, adds Joey. Social fabric refers to the network of relationshipsBy working with local schools and services like within a community, where each individual is likeTobwabba Aboriginal Medical Service and the Forster a thread. The more positive interactions betweenNeighbourhood Centre, we ensure our programs these threads, the tighter the weave and themeet the real needs of our youth. We base our stronger the fabric. This idea is central to the 10programs on whats happening in schools or the school-aged outreach programs we deliveredcommunity, Joey says. We listen to students and in FY24, designed to help local youth overcomeschools to address the issues that matter most. challenges and build brighter futures.Our outreach programs also open the door for students to access our other services, such as case management, one-on-one assistance, Strive for Success, and our Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP). Through these services, we can provide Homebase outreach programsongoing support and ensure these young people stay By proactively connecting young peoplethreadswoven into the social fabric of our community. in our communitys fabricthrough our outreachThe feedback from schools and families programs, Joey Engel, Homebase Manager, explains,about how much the kids have grown we strengthen the entire community, giving youngin our programs is what we enjoy most,people the support they need to thrive throughout their lives.seeing the difference were making in Joey says, We started these programs afteryoung peoples lives keeps us going. consulting with the community, the Department ofJOEY ENGEL Education and the young people themselves. Our goal is early interventionto help students face theHOMEBASE MANAGERchallenges in their lives, whether at school or home. Key initiatives include Kids on a Mission, school holiday surf safety workshops, nutrition programs, and resilience-building programs at Great Lakes College. Each program is designed to engage students in meaningful ways for the greatest impact. Families have told us that after our nutrition program,From leftStrive For Success participant Nakyah Sarah Littletheir kids come home excited to cook for the family,with her Job Coach Sheree White 25'