b'As Australias largest mattress recycler, Soft Landing is bringing the problem of mattress waste into everyday conversation, highlighting the environmental impact of mattresses in landfill and advocating for responsible recycling. mattress sustainability surveyThe MattressesWith over 1,000 responses from Australian Matterconsumers, our survey revealed that people are ready to act. They care about the planet and are Sustainabilityeager to make sustainable choices, they just Surveyneed the right support to get there.Through our Australian-first 2024RAISING AWARENESSMattresses Matter SustainabilityWhats the problem with end-of-life Survey, we successfully:mattresses? Raised awareness around the issue of end-of-life1.8 million mattresses are discarded each year, mattresses in landfills.stretching from Darwin to Tasmania if laid end-to-Educated the community on the avenues availableend. to them to recycle their old mattresses responsibly.740,000 of these mattresses end up in landfill, Gathered data to support our partnerships andequating to 22,000 tonnes of waste and contributing guide future advocacy. to environmental pollution as they slowly decompose over 120 years.Even when recycled, some materials are problematicpocket springs greatly reduce the recovery of steel, and the recycling market for memory foam is limitedadding 15,000 tonnes of extra waste to landfill annually.community servicesThe issue is so significant that mattresses were included on the Ministers Product Stewardship Priority List in FY24the second year running. EDUCATING THE COMMUNITY How can you recycle your mattress responsibly?Our survey opened a window to engage with Australians, encouraging questions and providing education on the avenues available to them to recycle their mattresses responsiblyempowering them to act and contribute to positive change. They told us:I never knew you could recycle mattressesI have multiple old mattresses crammed or buy specific recyclable mattresses. Nowbehind my garden shed because I didnt know Ill only look at those options when buying my options for disposal. Ive had neither the in future. time nor the motivation to investigate so A. ETHERINGTONtheyve sat there for many yearsnow Iknow, thank you! This has me thinking now aboutM. HUGHES mattresses and recycling. I always06 wondered what happened to them on council collections. Great information. M. MACKAY OUR ADVOCACY50'