b'01 01CO-CHAIR MESSAGE Our ImpactOUR IMPACTFY24 786 * 67% PEOPLEOF STAFF JOINED USEMPLOYED WHEN EXPERIENCINGBARRIERS TO WORK8229%STAFF IDENTIFY 89 FEMALE STAFF **AS ABORIGINALAND/OR TORRES 0.4%STAFF IDENTIFY STRAIT ISLANDER AS FORMER 70.6%REFUGEES MALE STAFF127 6,372*722 people given employment opportunities, 64 employed with third- STAFF ARE TRAINING ANDparty employers through our Work Readiness & Employment Programs. YOUNG DEVELOPMENT**Non-binary or non-identified staff. PEOPLE*** OUTCOMES***Young people defined as under the age of 25.our impact21,44236,816 68,476 Tonnes of wasteKilograms of Instances of diverted from landfillfair food grown communitythrough reuse, repair and distributed services providedand recycling03'