b'01CO-CHAIR MESSAGE toowoormocbkahamptonRRA TOOWOOMBA Chris BehanTeam Leader RRA ToowoombaTeamwork has always been a strength at RRAValued team members like Fiona Carlyle, who joined Toowoomba. Whether its creating positivethe team in November 2023 has become a stand-out experiences for our customers, winningthis year. With support and training, Fiona has quickly awards or working collaboratively across ourbecome a customer favourite, known for her helpful Resource Recovery Areas, the team has comenature and eagerness to learn.together to make a real difference in reducing"Working with the team is so rewarding. Im learning waste and supporting the community.so much, and everyone is really supportive. Getting to know our customers and helping them find what The Toowoomba site is a place where people canthey need is a real highlight for me. I feel like Im part thrive, succeed and unlock their potential. Underof something really special here", says Fiona. Site Manager Rita Duffys guidance, the team hasWinning the Council Garden Award for the fourth celebrated some major wins this year. year in a row has been another big highlight. The Our success is all about teamwork, Rita says. Weveaward celebrates the teams ability to turn waste into watched each other grow, and its been incredible tosomething beautiful, and is a nod to their ongoing04see the way our team leaders, Chris Behan and Chriscommitment to sustainability and creativity. Barber, have stepped up. With training and support,Its clear that the success of Reviva Toowoomba is theyve become confident leaders, guiding their teamsbuilt on more than just hard workits about the team with skill and independence. growing together and finding new ways to support The team is made up of a wide range of people fromeach other and the community they serve.diverse backgrounds, with 92% of them overcomingThe RRA Toowoomba team works across the barriers to employment before joining RRA. Resource Recovery Areas and the Reviva Shops at Greater Toowoomba Waste Management Facility atRRAWellcamp and Kleinton Waste Management Facility. CONSULTANCY SERVICES Our consultancy services also cover waste management site design,the developmentWith over 32 years of experience in wasteof safe work methods and reuse shop layouts.management operations, Resource RecoveryRRA has successfully completed numerous Australia has become a trusted partner forconsultancy projects for Not-for-Profits and local councils and organisations across Australia,governments, including stakeholder engagementproviding expert advice in both urban andto ensure community needs are met.regional locations."As councils strive to meet the waste reduction We specialise in conducting feasibility studies fortargets set out in the National Waste Management waste management sites, advising on operationalPlan, RRA is here to provide the expertise and models and offering guidance on setting up andsupport needed to achieve those goals," says managing onsite reuse shops.Ally Glendenning, RRA Deputy General Manager. "Its about building a sustainable future rooted in community.35'