b'01CO-CHAIR MESSAGE ZERO WASTE Our Zero Waste team works with progressive councils, businesses and organisations in Sydney and the Illawarra. We offer a variety of services to tackle every stage of the waste life cycle, but it all starts with our comprehensive waste auditsproviding the valuable insights our clients need to reduce waste and improve overall efficiency, laying the foundation for a sustainable operation.Since 2020, weve conducted over 41 waste audits forCase Study: our partner Mirvac, supporting them to achieve the goal Broadway Shoppingof zero waste to landfill by 2030. In a recent audit at Broadway Shopping Centre, Sydney, we Centre Waste Audit analysed 157.9 kg of landfill waste, along with co-mingled for Mirvacrecycling, organics, and soft plastics, providing actionable insights to enhance waste diversion and recycling rates.MethodKey FindingsThe audit was carried out with a focus on:Top 6 Materials in the waste audit sample by weight: Waste Segregation: Bin contents were carefully1. Food Waste 44.25% the most common organic material03sorted to separate recyclables, organics and landfill2. Paper & Cardboard 39.65% the most common waste.recyclable material, including both contaminated and Material Classification: Each item was categoriseduncontaminated streamsGREEN CONNECTby material type and weighed to determine the3. Soft Plastics 16% falling in the energy recovery waste composition of the waste stream.streamitems that can be reprocessed into energyData Collection: Scales were used to measure the4. Materials eligible for the Container Deposit Scheme weight of each waste category, providing precise(CDS) 9.80% the second highest material in the data for thorough analysis.recyclable stream 5. Paper Towel 8.95% an energy recovery waste item 6. Coffee Cups 6.45% another item in the energy Outcomes and Benefits of a recovery waste streamcozmermo uwnaisttye servicesWaste AuditBy leveraging the insights provided in our waste audit, Mirvac has taken further steps towards reaching its 2030 zero waste goals. The audit data has guided Mirvacs strategies to: Enhance Recycling Rates: By identifying key recyclable materials, such as paper and cardboard, Mirvac can focus on diverting these from landfill to recycling streams for maximum waste reduction impact. Reduce Waste to Landfill: Understanding the composition of landfill waste allows for targeted reduction efforts, such as implementing composting for food organics and improving access to food waste bins. Improve Waste Education: The detailed breakdown of waste data supports tailored communications and education programs,The Green Connect team has delivered allowing Mirvac to focus on key areas forinvaluable insights into our waste improvement and helping staff understandmanagement, enabling Mirvac to strengthen how to better manage their waste.our strategies to stay on track to achieve Optimise Waste Management Practices: our goal of zero waste to landfill by 2030. Data-driven decisions can lead to moreOur partnership with Green Connect is built efficient waste handling, contributing to coston a foundation of trust, reliability, and savings and environmental benefits. exceptional service.KIM HOST, MIRVAC RESOURCE RECOVERY MANAGER31'