b'01CO-CHAIR MESSAGEA WORD FROM THE GENERAL MANAGERThis year has been filled with many successes02whilst also presenting opportunities to overcomeCOMMUNITY SERVICESchallenges together. With housing shortages and the increasing cost of living, the demand for our homelessness services, drug and alcohol support, mental health referrals and domestic and family violence services has increased dramatically.In FY24, we experienced a 28% surge in demand for our Great Lakes and Manning Youth Homelessness Service (GLAMYHS) and a 25% increase in requests for Homebase Youth Services. This necessitated the introduction of waiting lists and prioritisation of cases to ensure we were able to support the most at-need clients. Our Helping Hands services also saw increased demand; we grew our client base, delivering 7,757 hours of care and 4,327 building services jobsa significant increase from FY23. It has been a challenging period for our staff, who often witness clients having to make tough decisions such as choosing between paying rent or buying food for the week. It makes us even more determined to support our community. The GLAMYHS service model continues to evolve, enhancing consistency and outcomes for young people.I am proud to report that Helping Hands receivedour community servicesAt Homebase, we have successfully retained fundingrecognition for this work through a Certificate of for key programs, including the Parents and CommunityAppreciation from the Aged & Community Care Providers Engagement (PaCE) program, Homework Club, the DriverAssociation (ACCPA) for our extraordinary service and Licensing Access Program (DLAP), Worimi Advocacydedication to the profession and the Aged Care Industry. Referral Program (WARS), Targeted Early InterventionI am immensely grateful to be part of an exceptional (TEI), Case Management, Supported Playgroup andteam of compassionate and dedicated individuals who various school programs.continually go above and beyond to achieve the best We successfully secured new funding from the Pauloutcomes for our community. They continue to innovate, Ramsay Foundation to launch the Strive for Successensuring the delivery of essential programs and services. program, aimed at supporting young people with barriersTheir unwavering commitment and passion are evident as to employment by providing access to training andthey support one another and the communities we serve. education, improving job skills and helping them secureWe will continue to stand united in the coming year employment. Our staff have already achieved excellentas we advocate for and work towards a more fair and outcomes through this initiative, supporting 83 younginclusive community.people in the Mid-North Coast to overcome barriers and discover brighter futures. Our Helping Hands team continued to provide dedicated,LISA BERRYwarm and friendly support, empowering seniors andCOMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL MANAGERVeterans in our community to live well in their own homes for longer.21'