b'01CO-CHAIR MESSAGE02GLAMYHSGLAMYHSThe Great Lakes and Manning YouthCase Study: Kyahyouth homelessness servicesHomelessness Service (GLAMYHS) is dedicated to breaking the cycle ofKyah*, a 23-year-old Aboriginal woman, was disadvantage and supporting youngreferred to us by the Great Lakes Womens people in the NSW Mid North Coast toShelter following a traumatic experience secure safe, stable long-term housing.and 18 months of couch-surfing. She was not engaged with any services or linked Our work revolves around three interconnectedwith education or employment and was services: the Taree Crisis Youth Refuge, Transitionalseeking a positive way forward. Accommodation Program and Outreach Youth Housing Support Program. These services providePhil Pilgrim, GLAMYHS Manager, says, This young a safety net, ensuring young people have supportwoman, needed wrap-around support to address every step of the way. the barriers she was experiencing in accessing The story of one young woman, Kyah*, highlightsand maintaining stable housing, such as education, this journey through our services and how theyemployment, and mental health. We supported Kyah work together to support young people from crisisto access counselling services, attend court dates and to long-term stability.enrol in studies at the local TAFE. Moving from crisis into transitional housing, we were able to secure her a safe, stable place to live. Here, she could embrace independence and focus on her mental Increased Bed Nights: A Reflection health and education while we continued to provide of Growing Needsupport. Phil says, After 9 months in a transitional unit, she successfully secured a private rental, which she In FY24, GLAMYHS provided 894 bed nights in ourwas excited to call her own.youth refuge and 6,625 in transitional housinganAt this point, we referred her to the Rent Choice Youth increase of 755 nights compared with FY23. program, allowing her to access ongoing support for Phil Pilgrim, GLAMYHS Manager says, Current rentalup to three years. Phil says, With this vital ongoing and cost of living pressures are contributing to highersupport, the young woman has continued to maintain rates of family breakdown. This means more youngher tenancy and feels safer and more connected to her people are exiting care into homelessness with lowercommunity. levels of education, living skills and limited family or*Name has been changed to protect the confidentiality community support. of the young person involved.In response, weve extended the time young people can stay in our refuge and transitional placementsWith this vital ongoing support, the young to effectively address these barriers. Phil says,woman has continued to maintain her Were also partnering with local services to continuetenancy and feels safer and more connected educating real estate agents about the support weto her community.offer potential young tenants.By adapting to suit this growing need, we can supportPHIL PILGRIM - GLAMYHS MANAGERyoung people to overcome barriers, access safe housing and end the cycle of youth homelessness.From leftGLAMYHS team members, Brooke McWilliam, Shaniane Andrews, Phil Pilgrim and Mikayla Worboys23'