b'01HIGHLIGHTS highlightsFOR THE YEARFUNDING WINS LAUNCHES & NEW BEGINNINGS We announced many major newWe were proud to launch:business wins, including:Our Strive for Success program on Worimi andPaul Ramsay Foundation (Strive for Success Program)Dharawal Country Women NSW (Return to Work Pathways Program)Reviva Leeton on Wiradjuri Country NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)Soft Landing Perths expanded Wangara site on (Business Food Waste Partnership)Noongar Country Leeton Council (Reviva Reuse Shop)Green Connect Ethical Labour Hire University of Sydney (Waste Audits)The Friendship Garden at Green Connect Farm The new Soft Landing online mattress collection STANDOUT ACHIEVEMENTSbooking system We celebrated: Green Connects Veg Box online shop and Pick Your Produce Boxes Becoming a member of the Australian Council ofRRAs Deadly Treadly program sent its first container Recycling (ACOR) and the Aged & Community Careof bikes to the remote Aboriginal community of Halls Providers Association (ACCPA)Creek, WA Developing RRAs Enterprise Agreement, signed-off by the Fair Work CommissionOUR PEOPLE & INTERNAL WINS Green Connects selection in the Social Traders andWe were thrilled to: Mirvac Supplier Development Program A Certificate of Appreciation from ACCPA for HelpingWelcome Martin Paech in our newly created Chief Hands Dedication to the Aged Care IndustryOperating Officer (COO) role Releasing our Soft Landing Mattresses Matter -Hire Business Development Managers for Soft Landing Sustainability Survey report (Ash Cooper) and Green Connect (Emilia Salgado)Receiving the highest number of entries ever in ourWelcome Irene Page as our Risk, Quality and Reviva Reuse Competition Compliance Manager, leading the development and implementation of our Quality, Safety and Environment RRA Toowoomba receiving the first prize award in(IMS) Policy, with the goal of achieving ISO certification the Toowoomba Regional Council Waste Management Facilities Garden Competitionthe third year in a row.Promote RRA Dunmore Site Manager Jarrod Roskell to NSW State Manager The successful implementation of the Toyota Production System (TPS), increasing Veg Box packingSupport five of our staff to complete an IMS Auditor and mattress recycling efficiencyTraining course, making them our IMS Champions RRA Noosas continued support of The NatureCelebrate all of our ACT RRA employees securing Conservancys Noosa oyster ecosystem restorationpositions with the ACT Governments City Services teamproject, aimed at restoring lost rock oyster ecosystemsRun our Employee Engagement Survey to build a to the Noosa River estuary.stronger organisation Celebrate another successful NAIDOC Week, honouring our Elders with our deadly NAIDOC shirts 08'