b'01OUR IMPACT IN2022/23 OUR IMPACT675 PEOPLEEMPLOYED 0274% OF STAFF JOINED US WHEN EXPERIENCING BARRIERS TO WORK27.5%03FEMALE STAFF0.5% *72% 68MALE STAFFSTAFF IDENTIFY 105AS ABORIGINALAND/OR TORRESSTRAIT ISLANDER STAFF IDENTIFY*NON-BINARY ORNON-IDENTIFIED STAFFAS REFUGEES 04151 13,400STAFF ARE TRAINING ANDYOUNG DEVELOPMENTPEOPLE*OUTCOMES**0520,496 34,85967,450Tonnes of wasteKilograms of Instances of diverted fromfair food grown community 06landfill through and distributed servicesCaption reuse, repair providedand recyclingPAGE 4 * Young people defined as under the age of 25.**Includes all training outcomes delivered, including formal, informal and toolbox talks.'