b'01HELPING HANDS BUILDING SERVICES We do work for young people and seniors, people In the past year, the Helping Hands Buildingwith disabilities and people who have had a stroke or cancer. No client is the same, but the majority benefit Services team completed 243 maintenance andfrom a ramp installation, says Blake, We ensure our home modification jobs to help our clients liveramps are the highest quality and meet Australian well in their own homes for longer. standards for access and mobility.While this includes everything from full bathroomThe construction team includes Blake, two mature-02 renovations to pouring concrete for footpaths andaged carpentry apprentices, a steel fabricator, and the0202driveways, its the simplest changes, like rampyard maintenance crew. Blake says, We work hard COMMUNITY SERVICES installations, that can be the most life changing.and get the most out of the day, and we have a laughCOMMUNITY SERVICESHelping Hands Carpenter Blake Cunliffe says, along the way, with each other and with our clients. Our clients often have limited mobility and useIt takes the team around four days to build and install walkers or wheelchairs, so they need thesea large 7-9m ramp, while smaller custom ramps can ramps just to access their homes. Its about safety.take up to a week. Blake says, We install around 1-2Having Kylie to help keep theSometimes the installation is requested by the clientsramps a month. Time and time again our clients tell Occupational Therapist; we eliminate trip hazards orus just how much they appreciate the quality and house clean has been a weight offthe risk of falls by replacing stairs with ramps.workmanship our whole crew provides. We even had a recent client call his entry ramp the Taj Mahal of my shoulders. Helping Hands arePeople with full mobility might easily overlook theramps! significance of a ramp, but for our clients, its so much 100% helping me stay here.more than just a sloped entrance: it can mean theBlake says, Ive been in construction for the past03difference between dependence and independence,20 years and have worked on major residential, MURRAY BAKERCARE SERVICES CLIENT helping them to continue living in the comfort of theircommercial and mining projects, but Helping Hands own homes.is definitely one of the most fulfilling jobs Ive had. Blake and his team deliver ramp installation servicesIts always great to get positive feedback from and other home modification & maintenance servicesclients, knowing were supporting them to achieve to a diverse mix of people in the Great Lakes anda better quality of life and safe access to their own Manning areas.homes. HELPING HANDS CARE SERVICESBut I assist him with tasks like vacuuming, mopping,04Helping Hands Care Services client and proudhanging out the washing, ironing, and scrubbing the bathroom, which can be painful and time-consuming for Navy Commander Murray Baker (Retd) mighthim. Its a big house to maintain on his own.be retired, but now, with support from Helping Hands Care Worker Kylie Styles, he runs a tightBy helping to reduce the burden, Kylie saves Murray time ship at his impeccable home. and energy, which hed rather spend elsewhere. If I get too bogged down with maintaining the house, theres no He designed it over ten years ago with his late wife Tina,time for recreation. Kylie gives me back that time to do after a lifetime of travelling the world for work. This housethe things I like. Ive got a beautiful boat in the driveway was their final stop. But Murray says, When Tina passed,and a motorhomeI want to hit the water and the road I had to rethink life, and it was quite a challenge. Despiteagain! this, he says, I want to stay here in my home and enjoyThough Murray likes an adventure, he generally prefers it as long as possible. Its a nice location, and I have a bitto be at home these days. His favourite spot is the family05of a view. I havent got Tina to share it with, but I can doroom next to the kitchen. He says, It lights up with the what I like when I like, how I like, and thats great.morning sun at just the right time to eat breakfast, sip While Murray takes pride in keeping his house spick anda cup of tea, and read the news. Why would I want to span, the Department of Veterans Affairs directed him tomove? My home has everything I need, and you just cant Helping Hands after his wifes passing in 2016; since then,get that anywhere else. Helping Hands Care Worker Kylie has provided a weeklyKylie and the Helping Hands Care Services domestic assistance service. team delivered 1,366 hours of care this year, I had three surgeries last year, and Im probably facingsupporting people like Murray to live well inHelping Hands 06another one soon, says Murray, so having Kylie to helptheir own homes, for longer.keep the house clean has been a weight off my shoulders. Helping Hands are 100% helping me stay here. Kylie says, Murray likes things done a certain way. He has high standards as a Navy Commander! PAGE 20 PAGE 21'