b'01I love that here I canRRA ROCKHAMPTONwith bike repair, upcycle projects and community rides. RRA TOOWOOMBAtake the time to getCommunity connection is a cornerstone ofIn FY23, Reviva Ibis donated almost 1.5 tonnes of bikes RRA and Revivas success in diverting wasteto Rockhampton BikeShed, enabling them to launch the Team connection and collaboration isto really know ourfrom landfill and promoting positive behaviourprogram. the dream of most workplaces. At RRAchange in the regions we work in. Kahli says, Supporting Rocky BikeShed has been Toowoomba, its a reality. customers. It makesrewarding in many ways. Our community is developing The RRA Toowoomba team is made up of 13them feel valued. At RRA Rockhampton, Reviva Ibis has embedded itselfrepair and upcycling skills, building resilience and mental as a core part of the local community. Site Manager Kahliand physical wellbeing and were seeing excess bikes talented individuals, each bringing a rangeDANNA HUGHESRRA TOOWOOMBA Pearson and QLD Manager Jeff Prater have workedgiven a new life instead of ending up on the scrap pile. of skills, experience, and strengths to theirtirelessly to build community connections in the region. This is true community. We just love being involved. 02role. Together, they embody RRAs supportive,Jeff explains, Rockhampton has a great community spirit.Reviva Ibis also supports 4 Mile Farm, Home Support strengths-based employment model. Over the last two years, we have built relationships withAssociation, Capricorn Animal Aid, Multicultural Australia Danna Hughes and Jordy Connor are twolocal charities and community groups, and together, we areand Woorabinda.Toowoomba team members who have shonemaking a real difference in Rocky.RRA operates the Reviva Ibis Reuse Shop, Community this year.Reviva Ibis supports six local charities on an ongoing,Recycling Centre, waste transfer station and mattress New starter Jordy is a young Gunggari woman,regular basis. In FY23, over 5.19 tonnes of goods wererecycling for Rockhampton Regional Council.standing out from her first day with herdonated to these groups alone.eagerness to learn, respect for her co-workersOur support for local groups helps to divert items from skills and knowledge and generous sharing oflandfill, supports reuse and upcycling and helps to her own skills, culture and expertise. address disadvantage, Jeff says. Kahli and the Rocky Working alongside Danna in the Reviva Reuseteam have built relationships with community groups and03Shops has helped Jordy to develop new skillscharities that support a range of people, such as those and thrive in her role. Danna is a customerwho experience mental illness, have a disability or are service superstar. With over 35 years ofexperiencing disadvantage. traditional retail experience, Dannas role withOne such example is the Rockhampton BikeShed RRA has been a breath of fresh air.program, which is a community initiative of selectability. Danna says, Working with RRA has reduced myBikeShed is an inclusive program that aims to build stress levels. In my previous role, we had timedreliable support networks and reduce social isolationduties that took the heart and soul out of the customer experience. I love that here I can take the time to get to really know our customers, and then I can say to them Hey, I have found 04 something that you would like! It makes ourRRA NOOSA 0404customers feel valued. RESOURCE RECOVERY With over 78% of the RRA team experiencingRESOURCE RECOVERY The RRA Toowoomba team is led by Ritaprevious barriers to employment, employment Duffy, a talented leader with over 30 years oftransitions signal that our #WASTE 2 WAGES experience in retail leadership and supply chain. model is working. They show that our team Rita explains, The connection Jordy andis building their skills, moving on to new Danna share has been great to see. Theyopportunities, and opening the door for other work together to ensure every customerindividuals with barriers to work to grow in their visiting Reviva Toowoomba has an exceptionalcareers. Often for the very first time.experience. This vibrant team culture extends throughoutThis year, RRA Noosa celebrated employment transitions the whole team, initiatives such as the Teamfor two long-term team members. Kyall Parris-Smith and Member of the Month award, acknowledge theAedan Frazer joined RRA while experiencing barriers to05groups commitment, and team spirit. work. Both worked hard to build their employment skills and their waste management knowledge. Rita said, Each team member can nominate a peer each month. They may nominateWorking at the Reviva Noosa reuse shop, Kyall and Aedan someone because they have been mentoringbuilt customer service skills, engaging with a diverse or supporting them, or it might be for somethingcustomer base, merchandising stock and understanding as simple as making them smile on a difficultthe value of second-hand goods.day. Each month, Im impressed by the kindFrom Left: Aedan Frazer and Mattress processing, expanded polystyrene processing,Kyall Parris-Smith and helpful acts that have brought the teamand weighbridge operations saw Aedan and Kyall thrive, together. It really is a wonderful place to work.building their knowledge of waste, waste diversion The RRA Toowoomba team works acrossopportunities and safe work practices. For RRA, itsRRA Noosa Manager Mitch McIntyre says, It has been the Resource Recovery Areas and Revivaabout providing more than just jobs - its about fosteringgreat to see Kyall and Aedan transition to jobs with Council. continuous growth and development opportunities.06Reuse Shops at Greater Toowoomba WasteThey have been valued team members and we are proud Management Facility (Wellcamp) and KleintonThe ongoing opportunities helped Aedan and Kyallof playing such an important part in their journey. Waste Management Facility. secure employment with our Contract Principal, NoosaRRA operates the Reviva Noosa reuse shop, as well as Shire Council, working full-time in the weighbridgesmattress and expanded polystyrene processing with across Noosa Shire Council facilities. the support of Noosa Shire Council.'