b'01 0101CEO MESSAGE CEO Message 02 CEO MESSAGEMARC HIGGINSIt is with a great sense of humility that I shareNone of this would have been possible without the this years record of our work, achievementssupport and collaboration of our customers, clients, and impact and tell the stories of the deadlypartners, philanthropic funders and government clients. 03people who make up the essence of CR. Their support and belief in our work is instrumental in our success. I acknowledge and pay my respects to Elders, past andI would like to thank our board and Co-Chairs Indu and present, of the 13 Sovereign Aboriginal Nations where CRKatriina for their guidance and support. This year we operates as we continue the work we started 37 years agowelcomed Brendan Thomas, a proud Dharug man to the on Worimi Country.board, and we farewelled Gaye Tindall. Gaye continues to As I travel around our sites and hear our peoples stories be involved with CR and I would like to thank her for herhow they came to work with us, what they have learnt,many years of volunteer service to CR.what they have taught others, why they stay, and theI would also like to thank the people who provide future they want, its clear to me we have somethinginvaluable skills and expertise that strengthen our special. The individual contributions that our people makeenterprises: the management, administration and are collectively part of something that is changing thedevelopment team. Without their dedication, our04planet and peoples lives for the better.enterprises couldnt do the important work that they do. In 2023 we continued our journey towards reconciliationThree out of four of the people who work with us have through the drafting of our Reconciliation Action Plancome to us experiencing barriers to employment. The (RAP). Our management team undertook two days ofstories and outcomes shared in this Annual Report are a profound Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training wheretestament to what can be achieved when people who are they listened, learnt and came away with their owndetermined to succeed are given faith, support, trust and personal action plans to achieve reconciliation.It isbelief.essential that we build a culturally strong and awareSpending time with our team is a privilege, and I daily management team as we return to our roots to become witness the amount of passion and purpose that our an Aboriginal organisation. people have for what we do. There is nothing more We continue to make steadfast progress toward ourmotivating than being with people who have the same strategic goals.There are many stellar examples of ourpurpose and unwavering commitment to our mission.05enterprises delivering against this roadmap as we doAs we look ahead, I am excited about the opportunities more of what we do well, together. We finished the yearthat await us. Together, we will strengthen our with a $1.2m surplus, delivering on the whole, strongerorganisation and continue to grow, making a difference levels of impact than we ever have before. We werefor people and planet.proud to deliver: 675 jobs, 67,450 incidents of community services, grown and distributed nearly 34,859kg of fairThank you for being part of our journey. food and diverted more than 20,469 tonnes of resources from landfill. This is proof that our business model ofMARC HIGGINS waste2wages works.CEO AND PROUD WIRADJURI MAN06Clockwise from top: Marc and Indu Balachandran, Harry-Daniels Grant, Marc and David Petrie at Soft Landing Perth, Robert Servine, Marc and Ace Rantall at Green Connect Farm, Marc, Katriina Heikkanen and Indu at RRA Noosa, Anne Sattler and Marc. CaptionPAGE 8 PAGE 9'