b'01Workforce Zero Waste SolutionsIn May this year, we were delighted to offer FreyjaOver the last year, weve returned to our roots02Jorgensen the opportunity to progress from Greenwith a renewed focus on reducing waste and Connects Supported Employment Program to ourimproving environmental outcomes while Zero Waste Team Leader. She jumped at the chancecreating new employment opportunities. This and hasnt looked back. However, as a youngculminated in the relaunch of our Staffing person facing barriers to employment, her journeySolutions and Gardening and Landscaping hasnt always been easy.Services as a single entity: Workforce Solutions.While studying Sustainable Development at the UniversityFor businesses that need hardworking, reliable casual of Wollongong (UOW), Freyja worked casually in hospitality;staff, we recruit, train, support and manage a team of however, she faced LGBTQIA+ discrimination and foundworkers that can get the job done. We employ those it difficult to overcome her social anxiety. She says, I waswho traditionally face multiple barriers to employment, having a tough time of it. It was really impacting my ability tosuch as young people or refugees. For many of our0303 work. team, its the next step in the employment ladder after03In 2021, she found out about our Green Connect Supportedcompleting our Employment Pathway Program, a way to Employment Program through the university. She says, ease from supported employment into full-time work.GREEN CONNECT I applied, then I did the employment training, and Ive beenGREEN CONNECTOur Workforce Solutions team focuses on projects that here ever since. She credits the program with helping heralign best with our mission and give our workers the to rebuild her confidence in the workplace, saying, Havingstrongest chance at securing permanent employment.such a supportive working environment has made all theArlyn Connolly, Green Connect staff memberdifference. Freyja and the Zero Waste team have celebrated a few big wins in the last year. After a successful Waste Audit season for Australian property group Mirvac, Green Connect earned a spot in the Mirvac-sponsored Social Traders Supplier04Developer Program. CASE STUDY:KING OF COURTSWere so proud of Ton Dee, and We also managed waste for one of the worlds biggestKing of Courts are hard court specialists whowere thrilled he was able to cycling eventsthe Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Road World Championships, which significantly, was hosteddesign, construct, and maintain courts andsecure permanent employment in Wollongong this year. The week-long event drew hugeasphalt surfaces. In November 2022, they had crowds, with a total attendance of over 236,000. a sudden influx of work and needed immediatewith King of Courts. Its a It was a big deal for us and Wollongong. We diverted 4.8support in manual labouring, digging andperfect example of our mission material handling to resurface basketball courts tonnes of waste from landfill that week! says Freyja. in Bowral. After receiving a word-of-mouthin action. With the relaunch of I never had a dream job, but now that Im in waste, I actually love it, she laughs. referral for Green Connect, King of Courts calledthis service, we hope to create In her new role, Freyja is dedicated to refining our Zero Wasteus to hire our staff. more success stories like Ton offerings. She recently completed the National Australian BuiltWe diverted 4.8We moved quickly, deploying a team with the right skills05Environment Rating System (NABERS) accreditation courseto complete the job efficiently, including worker Ton Dee,Dees while supporting local to become an Accredited Waste Assessor. She says, Its antonnes of waste fromwho was at the forefront of this project over its three- businesses and generating a additional business line; we can give customers an officiallandfill that week! month term.rating, allowing them to proudly communicate their zero wastegreater positive impact in our efforts. There arent many Accredited Waste Assessors inI never had a dreamCharity Avery, Relationships Manager at Green Connectcommunities. Wollongong, so its a valuable addition.says, Ton Dee joined our Employment Pathway Program Though Freyja is passionate about improving sustainabilityjob, but now that Imin June 2022 as a 22-year-old refugee looking to enter the workforce. Hes a leader in the local Burmese communityCHARITY AVERYRELATIONSHIPS MANAGERin the Illawarra region, she also wants to use her ownin waste, I actuallyand is an incredibly reliable worker with a strong work experience to help others going through the Supportedethic and willingness to learn. Hes personable, committed Employment Program. She says, I can talk them through itlove it. and, like all of the people we support in our Employment and let them know I understand what theyre going through.Pathway, hes always ready for a challenge.It helps them feel more at ease.After completing our Employment Pathway Program, Ton06FREYJA JORGENSENZERO WASTE TEAM LEADERShe says, I want to do something that makes a difference;Dee moved into our Workforce Solutions team, working this is good work with good people, and were helping towith King of Courts five days per week until February achieve something in the world. If its up to me, Ill be here2023. The King of Courts team were so impressed with a while. Ton Dee that they hired him as a permanent, full-time staff member. PAGE 29'