b'01THE MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATION & DEVELOPMENT TEAM THE MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATION & DEVELOPMENT TEAMSafe ty &InformationPeople &Wellbeing& CommunicationsCul tureLEADING WITH A WE CARE APPROACHTechnology INVESTING IN OUR PEOPLE02As a purpose-driven organisation, complying with risk management processes to keep ourCYBERSECURITY In FY23, our People and Culture team supported workforce and community safe is essential,Cyberattacks are becoming increasinglyfour Soft Landing leaders to commence formal but we take it a step further, leading with a wesophisticated, and spam texts, phone calls andCertificate IV level training in Leadership and care approach and acknowledging the wholeemails more common; to tackle this problem,Management and 14 RRA managers to undertake individual in everything we do.and as part of Community Resources ongoinga Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety (WHS). Many of our employees have overcome complex barrierscommitment to improving IT security, the ICT teamThis investment in our people builds critical skills to be where they are today, and we want to support themrolled out cybersecurity training to all staff in FY23and workplace confidence and aligns with our goal to become the best versions of themselves, allowingand increased its focus on reviewing IT securityto create a safe and inclusive work environment.them to contribute to our societys broader health,across our organisation. Two Soft Landing site managers and two site supervisors happiness, and resilience.are undertaking the Cert IV in Leadership and Management, So, were fostering a culture where our teams take prideThe cybersecurity training, developed by experts in theunderpinning their existing hands-on knowledge and03in looking out for each other and facilitating safe spacesIT security industry, arms our staff with the knowledgeexperience. Tracey McCallum, Soft Landings People and to discuss challenges. This can mean chatting withneeded to identify and respond appropriately to commonCulture Partner, says, Its self-led, but we encourage weekly colleagues one-on-one or using our Employee Assistancecyber threats and phishing attacks. While staff completedcatchups to identify any sticking points and help staff work Program (EAP), free and available 24/7, allowing our staffthe initial cybersecurity modules in 2023, we will roll outtowards completion. to access confidential physical, mental, social, and financialnew training modules on an ongoing basis to keep our wellbeing resources and assistance.people up to date with the latest security guidelines. The training helps staff succeed in their roles while Matt Blanch, ICT Lead, says, With the ever-increasingestablishing a basis for further development and While building this supportive culture is critical, proactiveadvancement. At the same time, theyll be armed with identification and elimination of hazards is still the breadprevalence of IT and social engineering-based attacks inthe right knowledge to better support other Soft Landing and butter of safety. To ensure we have the best approach,Australia, were giving our team the tools and knowledgeemployees and continue building strong, resilient teams. we invested in independent auditing of our physical andto better support them in identifying these attacks in their physiological safety systems across the organisation, andwork and personal lives. Our staff say the course has helped them understand why by addressing issues proactively, weve protected our staffHe adds, Its an essential step, because keepingpeople behave in a certain way and has opened their eyes04while reducing work injury claims by 30%. our data safe isnt just about the ICT team; its aboutto how to better lead their teams, says Tracey. Maintaining a safe workplace requires ongoing andeach individual in our organisation working togetherFor RRA, training 14 of our front-line site managers and consistent improvements, so well continue to collectto recognise and report threats so that we can keepteam leaders in WHS is essential to ensure site safety and data to evaluate our performance and governance. Anddelivering on our mission.compliance. as always, well strive to ensure our peoples safety andLisa Hickman, People and Culture Partner, says, RRA works wellbeing come first, building an organisation whereextensively with councils; operating to WHS standards is people know we care and know they matter.Below: Etuate Saukuru, Soft Landing Smithfield a requirement to secure that business. And above all, we want to keep our people safe. The WHS course gives RRA managers a solid understanding of relevant legislation so that they feel confident in maintaining a safe, compliant site. The benefits of the formal training extend well beyond the managers undertaking the course. By training our05managers, they have the knowledge to carry things through with a sense of authority; they pass that knowledge on, and it filters down, says Lisa. It reduces risk, workplace injuries and staff turnover, and improves overall morale. Boiling it down, though, its more than just knowledge. Lisa says, When we offer people training, it shows we trust and value them. It solidifies our commitment to each other.05 0506CaptionGavin Mason, Site Supervisor, Soft Landing HunterPAGE 46 Kahli Pearson, Manager RRA RockhamptonMAD MAD'