b'A WORD FROM THE GM AND DEPUTY GMOUR IMPACT 183183251EmploymentTraining andThe great people that make up the RRA team are always ready to learn something opportunitiesdevelopmentnew. The financial year of 2021-22 was a challenging year for the world but our team provided outcomes showed incredible tenacity and spirit, working through roaring winds, searing heat, flooding rains and day-to-day crises. From our Depot Hands to Team Leaders, Site Managers, State Managers, and volunteers, every team member brought their talent and experience to share. They have done us proud.After solid growth last year, consolidation was the goal and we continued to improve our outcomes.RRA created 183 employment opportunities, providing regular hours, training and development opportunities for each team member. By working together with councils and communities, we diverted 9,270 tonnes of waste from landfill for reuse and recycling. Mentoring has been critical. Our Queensland State Manager, Jeff Prater, and New South Wales State 9,270130 Manager, Steve Glendenning, have provided great support across RRAs sites, helping our next generation of leaders to grow and thrive. Tonnes ofCommunityEach RRA site has contributed to the success of #Waste2Wages, diverting waste, creating waste divertedengagementopportunities and supporting communities. The teams have embraced every chance to learn, to from landfillevents teach, and to step up. for reuse and recycling Of course, we couldnt have done it without the support of our partners and contract principals. Thanks to each of you for your enthusiasm for #Waste2Wages. As we move through a new financial year, we look forward to creating new opportunities to work and grow.Resource Recovery Australia is a national social enterprise that worksALLY GLENDENNINGMATT CURTISin waste management to keep wasteRRA DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER RRA GENERAL MANAGERout of landfill, create jobs and training opportunities for people experiencing barriers to employment, and to engage and connect people in our communities.PAGE 31Kahli Pearson, Manager RRA Rockhampton'